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C-A de Salaberry is a very versatile programmer who strongly believes software is about humanity, about helping people by using computer technology. He has been following the Open Source movement since 2005, and really supports websites such as SourceForge and Github for their code sharing initiative. He is currently studying Software Engineering at McGill University in his third year.

He posts photos to Flickr, listens to all his music on Whyd.

As a third-culture kid, Charles-Antoine has lived on two continents and in three countries. After fifteen years in Paris, he moved to San Francisco for two years before being accepted at McGill. He currently lives in Montreal, Canada, where he has been developing his multimedia and leadership skills over the past three years.


Because an example is worth a million words, you can access most of the code he has written on his github.

More on his presence online on You can also get his professional public profile on LinkedIn.